Property for sale in Casalanguida

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HOT 25

Habitable house on three levels with cellar and vegetable garden for sale in Cas...

SOLD 26   

Detached house with land for sale in Casalanguida, in a panoramic position, Abru...


Ruin to be restored with 20.000 square meters of land from where you can admire...


House on three floors with a total of about 75 sq m for sale in Casalanguida a f...


Semi-detached village house on three levels of 60 sq m for sale in Casalanguida,...


Stone country house consisting of two residential units, one of which is habitab...


Town house with garage for sale in Casalanguida - Abruzzo

Casalanguida, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy

Habitable house on three floors of about 90 sq m with garage for sale in Casalan...


Brick habitable house for sale in Abruzzo - Italy

Casalanguida, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy

Brick habitable house for sale in the Abruzzo region, Casalanguida. The propert...

HOT 12

Three-story house habitable at the center of an ancient village for sale in Casa...


Large habitable house with hills view for sale in Abruzzo

Casalanguida, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy

Large habitable house with hills view for sale in the Abruzzo Region, Casalangui...