Property for sale in Italy

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HOT 12

Stone country house with land for sale in Abruzzo

Guilmi, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy

Stone and brick house for sale in the countryside near Guilmi, on the Abruzzo hi...

HOT 17   

Village house in excellent condition, renovated and habitable immediately for sa...


Stone country house for sale in lovely Abruzzo

Roccaspinalveti, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy

Country house that needs different maintenance work, developed on two floors for...


Renovated property with garden for sale in Abruzzo

Fresagrandinaria, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy

Habitable and restored house located in the historic center of Fresagrandinaria,...

HOT 13

House in town habitable of three floors for a total of about 90 sq m located in...


Stone house of about 150 square meters on two floors for sale in the historic ce...

HOT 18

Two bedroom town house for sale near Campobasso Molise - Italy

Bagnoli del Trigno, Isernia, Molise, Italy

Habitable house with independent entrance for sale in Bagnoli del Trigno, the pe...


Town house of about 120 sq m on two levels for sale in Mafalda, a town with 1160...


Small town house of about 48 sq m renovated for sale in Bomba, 4 km from the lak...


Historic stone house, built in the early 1900s for sale in the center of Palata,...